
hello! im jo. nineteen
cishet she/her pisces black enfp-t







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🍜 KPOP LiKES yeeun cix shinee dean chuu sori xg bibi pristin bloo euijin miso huihyeon saay babysoul zico san nct binnie (omg) blackpink hyuna woodz billlie kazuha yunjin

tagged as #likes filler 319 | 98 | @ 8

🍤 DiSLIKES mamamoo super junior superm pentagon gildle cube stray kids omg gfriend mcytwt fu yaning gp999

tagged as #dislikes h 613 | 97 | @ 9

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💌before you follow ?!:
most of my tweets are jokes. i talk alot of shit. i rt alot of non kpop / non - bts tweets. i’m a multi. please do not dm unless we’ve talked on the tl. soft block to unfollow
🧷don't follow if ?!:
you fit into the basic dnf criteria. you anti any of my ults. younger than 17. you don’t have race in bio. tweet a lot about groups i dislike (unless i follow first)
i do not condone any problematic actions my faves have done 🪐

ACTORS park bogum jung haein choi wooshik do kyungsoo lee dohyun wang yibo p.o ok taecyeon kim taehyung choi byungchan gong myung lee soo-hyukfka: yeeurin yeeuninu namuwrld jooninu cixinu naevinu woodzprotect cypherclc